I freaking love spending time with my loved ones. If it's quality time, even better. 
Every gift opportunity I change into an excuse to buy another boarding game. 
Do I already have an enormous collection of it? YES
Do I have enough boarding games? NEVER

Here's top 5 of the affordable ones:

1. Connect four
Quite small, easy to carry.
supercheap, approx. $2
Only for two people
One game takes around 5 minutes

You have to connect four tokens: vertically, horizontally or diagonally. 

2. UNO
If you're not familiar with this game. You should. It's high time! I've played this game for the first time when I was in the USA. What I love about it it's the unexpectedness which this meme summarize perfectly. 
It costs approx. $5. You have to find yourself a companion, 2 or even 3. The duration of one game is around 15minutes. 

3. Dobble
That's what I got as a xmas gift from my bf: dobble HP edition. He knows me so well. Dobble is an great option for the teachers (talking from my experience) and everybody who is quick and perceptive. You have to name one image that is common for each circle. works perfectly with 2,3, or 4 people. price: $12
My grandma Alfreda really enjoys playing it :)

4. Jungle Speed

 Also sth special for those of you who are quick and perceptive. That's the most expensive one ($16). But totally worth it especially when you've got 3-4 game geeks around you.

5. Mastermind (I called it "kolorki")

If you're one of my colleagues from work, you already hate it. ahhaha Everytime when we've got nothing to do I tell my workmates:
TIME FOR KOLORKI! and nobody wants to play with me and
they keep making fun out of me. :< It's a game for one brainy person
who like puzzled codes. Another person it responsible of giving the
player hints and creating a sequance of 4 colors that the player
has to guess only asking 2 questions: how many colors are right? and how many colors are on the right place?

How many of those games have you played? Do you know them all? Let me know!
Next post will be for board games inspiration for those with the bigger budget who are willing to pay for some fun.
